Thursday, September 9, 2010


I have been asked to reflect on the following question for my Educational Psychology Class,

Respect: How do you define respect?  How does it look in the classroom?  What is the impact of respect or lack of respect in classrooms?  How is respect best established in a classroom environment?

I would define respect as treating others the way you would want to be treated.  Being respectful of other peoples opinions, beliefs, and ideas.  When I think of respect I also think of dignity, by this I mean a respectful persons actions never jeopardize the dignity of another person.  I believe that respect needs to be a two way street in a classroom.  This means that it is just as important for teachers to respect their students as it is for students to respect their teacher.  I am sure that we have all had that teacher that we were convinced did not like us, and it was much harder to focus in class and become motivated by what the teacher has to say when you do not feel respected in the classroom.  Another form of respect that is necessary in a classroom is respect between fellow students.  Respect is shown in a classroom when everyones ideas and questions are paid attention to and one does not need to fear the risk of being judged.  I remember that I was in a class in elementary school where I was made fun of one time for asking a question and I do not think I ever asked another question in that class without worrying what other people were thinking.  When students are more concerned about how they will be treated because respect is not in a classroom it affects the students ability to learn.  However in a classroom where respect is present students will be able to work together and contribute to each others learning.  I believe that the teacher has the ability to establish respect in a classroom environment.  It is important that a teacher encourage and teach students about the importance of respect, including showing respect in their own actions in the classroom.  This will allow for a positive learning environment. 

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